Lucknow Investment:Appendix II. Central African Republic: Joint Bank-Fund Work Program, 2008–09

Appendix II. Central African Republic: Joint Bank-Fund Work Program, 2008–09

DateDepartmentPurposeApril 2001FADTo follow up on the introduction of the VAT and discuss measures to improve tax and customs revenue collection.Jan-Feb 2004STATo assist the authorities in reviewing and updating the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) and to provide technical assistance in government finance statistics.March 2004FADTo assist the authorities in the area of revenue administration.April 2004FADTo assist the authorities in the area of public expenditure management.Aug-Oct 2004FADTo assist the authorities with tax administration.Feb-Dec 2005FADTo assist the authorities with public expenditure management.May 2005FADTo follow up on implementation of tax administration reforms and review progress made since the end of the three-month assignment of a FAD tax expert.Jun-July 2005STATo assist the authorities with government finance statistics.July 2005STATo assist the authorities with real sector data.May 2006FADTo assist authorities in recovering tax arrears.May 2006FADTo assist the authorities in tax administration reform.Sept-Oct 2006STATo assist in the area of monetary and financial statistics.January 2007-August 2008FADTo assist the authorities with public financial management.April-May 2007FADTo assist in the area of fiscal implications of alternative fuel pricing policies and their distributional impact on vulnerable household groups, including mitigating measures.October 2007AFRITAC Central/FADTo assist in the area of custom administration and follow up on the new organizational structure.October 2007AFRITAC Central/FADTo follow up on implementation of tax administration reforms and review progress made since the expert’s previous visit in May 2006.November-December 2007FADTo inspect FAD resident PFM advisor.December 2007AFRITAC Central/STATo assist the authorities with national account data.March 2008AFRITAC Central/MCMTo assist in the area of debt management.June 2008AFRITAC CentralTo follow up on implementation of tax administrationJune 2008AFRITAC CentralTo follow up on implementation of customs administrationAugust 2008AFRITAC Central/STATo assist the authorities with national account data.September 2008AFRITAC CentralTo assist the authorities with public financial management.Lucknow Investment

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